Ideal Versus Actual

Most people suffer over the discrepancy between the world they’d like to see and the one they do see. Judging something as wrong because it’s not in alignment with your preferences is common, but self defeating. It often causes you to blame, shame and...

You Are Worthy

Every culture sets parameters for success and achievement and then encourages it’s citizens to rise to those lofty heights. Competition is often the mechanism through which people attempt to prove their value. There’s nothing wrong with trying your best to...

Your Concerns Are About You

Being preoccupied with bad things that happen to other people, in other places, at other times, is a misuse of the present moment. It creates a vibration of dissatisfaction that influences how you’ll respond to life in the next moment. If you find yourself...


When someone over-enthusiastically touts their value, it’s natural to doubt them. It seems like they’re trying to convince themselves as much as they are others. Humans sense doubt and desperation the way animals smell fear, so seeking recognition from the...


Some people think that developing self-love sounds selfish or narcissistic. Nothing could actually be farther from the truth because narcissists don’t really love themselves. They feel such a lack of love, that they’re always looking for attention outside...

Disharmony Is Ignorance

The same energy that causes a flower to grow animates every human. Each person is an unique expression of that same force. Discord and violence come from forgetting this truth. When people behave like Earthlings first and foremost, life is more peaceful. Identifying...