Free Flow

Both Eastern and Western medicine agree that blood circulation in the body is vital for distribution of oxygen and nutrients. Both systems understand that anger, anxiety and stress block its flow. How do we reduce the frequency of these harmful states while still...


You roll through life accumulating knowledge that verifies your opinions about the world. But what if what you know is incorrect? No matter how certain you are of your ‘facts’, you can be sure that in another 50 years, science (and society) will have a...

Lighten Your Load

As with all journeys, the journey of life is easier and more enjoyable when you travel lightly. With the mind-boggling number of experiences you go through, it’s important to be aware of the emotional baggage that accompanies the unpleasant ones. Carrying...

Let It Die

There are a lot of things that are better off dead. Like the tendency to take offense when somebody is giving you feedback. Like feeling superior to others because you do something (anything) better. Or, like being defensive, holding a grudge, feeding your anger or...