Beyond Personal Illusion

We all see life through our ego. Our perspective is created by a filter of beliefs accumulated throughout our lifetime. It classifies everything in relation to our identity. Oblivious that we come from the same energetic source, we criticize others in order to feel...

Become the Witness

No one can take your power away. Except you. The voice in your head is the one who determines how you feel about life. It’s commentary is so constant that you may not even be aware of its presence. If you want to know why you feel the way you do, start noticing what...

Are You Unconsciously Critical?

If our parents were highly critical, we probably developed the same habit. Even though it’s unpleasant and makes us feel bad, it takes a concerted effort to change this conditioned behavior. Chronically characterizing problems in our relationships as the other...

Don’t Assume

Relating to others can be complicated. We often assume that we know exactly where someone is coming from, but we actually don’t. Because we haven’t experienced life as them, we can’t grasp their understanding of the world. We interpret what they say...

Judgment Serves No One

Our egos love to judge and criticize others because it makes us feel superior. But the good feeling eventually backfires and makes us feel bad about ourselves. That’s because our subconscious mind doesn’t distinguish who the negativity is directed toward....

We Aren’t Born Equal

Some people are born into privilege and wealth, while others poverty and misery. We come into this world with varying levels of physical, emotional and mental capabilities. Our biological nature and the kind of the environmental nurturing we receive affect our ability...