What We Say

Our judgments of others speak volumes about us. We see the world through the lens of our own experience. If we lie, we assume others do, too. If we cheat, we worry that others will cheat us. Whatever we wish for others, we actually draw to ourselves. Because our...

Judgments Instruct

Our judgments of others provide useful information to help us gain greater self-awareness. Because we perceive life through our own viewfinder, our interpretations and conclusions are predicated on our past experience and present understanding. Since we aren’t...

Useful Reflections

Our interactions with others are based on the way we perceive them. If we view them as difficult, angry, intolerant, unreasonable or threatening, our experiences with them are likely to validate our expectations. However, if we view them as potential collaborators,...

People We Don’t Like

Whether we realize it or not, people who push our buttons or aggravate us are actually doing us a favor, if we’re willing to hear the message. They are (unintentionally) showing us parts of ourselves that we can’t or don’t want to see. If we...

Judgment and Tolerance

Every person is equal, but we aren’t born with equal ability, intelligence or privilege. What’s obvious to one may not even be noticed by another. Because we can’t know how life feels emotionally, mentally or physically to others, judging them from...

Through the Looking Filter

The thoughts we cultivate about others have relatively little to do with who they really are. We’re seeing them through a filter of condition. Others will see them differently, based on their programming. What one finds distasteful, another may find delightful....