by Merci Gracia | Jun 15, 2012 | Appreciation, Judgments
When you see something you don’t like, remember that your opinion isn’t necessarily “the truth” about it. Next time a strong negative opinion arises, see if you can expand your thinking to find something you actually like about the same issue....
by Merci Gracia | Apr 29, 2012 | Awareness, Compassion, Grateful, Judgments, Self-Awareness
Your consciousness is totally unique. You may be highly evolved in certain aspects of your life and less so in others. Be grateful for your level of understanding and compassionate for those who lack it. It opens your heart to remember that every person you meet is at...
by Merci Gracia | Apr 28, 2012 | Awareness, Conscious, Discernment, Fear, Imagine, interpretation, Judgments, Perception
Fight or flight can be an appropriate response to immediate danger. But the mind can trick you into thinking there’s danger when there isn’t (like when you see a snake–but it’s only a rope.) When that happens, the fear impulse can impede your...
by Merci Gracia | Apr 27, 2012 | Compassion, Forgiveness, Judgments, Love, Self-Awareness
The degree to which you dislike someone is an indicator of the degree to which you’re withholding love from yourself. The more you love yourself, the more you look with compassion on the shortcomings of others. However, your judgments do provide you with...
by Merci Gracia | Apr 7, 2012 | Beliefs, Judgments, Reality, Understanding
Even though judgments about other people often seem justified and accurate, remember that every opinion is filtered through your conditioning and beliefs. Next time you feel the temptation to criticize others, remember that the more you judge, the more you feel...
by Merci Gracia | Mar 27, 2012 | Acceptance, Judgments, Truth, Understanding
Identifying with a particular group has some obvious benefits. It can be comforting, enjoyable and supportive to be around people with similar beliefs. But, focusing on the differences between yourself and others, breeds separation and judgement. Could war exist...