Live Beyond Judgement

When you judge others, you can’t help but expect them to judge you. Your own subconscious mind will measure and dissect every aspect of your own existence in the same way you judge your fellow man. You may not even be aware of how harsh your self-critic is, but...

Your Friends Are Reflections

When you spend time with friends who love and accept you, do you think you feel good because of them or because their behavior matches the way you feel about yourself? When you’re around someone who criticizes or judges you and it feels bad, do you blame them...

The Hubris of Judgment

The idea that you could meaningfully compare the intrinsic worth of one person with that of another simply by considering a few factors, is preposterous. Even though some people may not ever achieve conventionally defined success, you can’t possibly know how...

You Aren’t Your Behavior

You’re an ever-changing, evolving being. Your behavior is the direct result of your level of understanding gained from the sum total of your experiences. Knowing this helps you not confuse your decisions, abilities and actions with who you truly are. When you...