by Merci Gracia | Jun 30, 2013 | Create, Focus, interpretation, Truth
What you call the past is actually a made up story created out of a relatively small collection of remembered tidbits of life as you interpreted it. Your version of the truth is the result of your unique filter. It’s not the absolute truth and you are not...
by Merci Gracia | Jun 19, 2013 | Create, interpretation, Perception
If you find it difficult to relate to someone because their view of the world seems so different from yours, don’t jump to the conclusion that they’re unintelligent, weird or wrong. They simply live in a different paradigm. Theirs was formed by programming...
by Merci Gracia | May 31, 2013 | Beliefs, Conditioning, interpretation, Self-Awareness
The emotional environment in which you live is based on a mixture of your conditioning and habitual thought patterns. It’s a made-up world created by your spin on the experiences you’ve had. Since this emotional ecosystem is your creation, you can change...
by Merci Gracia | May 26, 2013 | Create, interpretation, Joy, Thoughts
It’s important to remember that your feelings aren’t actually caused by anything external, but rather by the way you choose to spin what you perceive in the world around you. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you’re smarter than others...
by Merci Gracia | May 20, 2013 | Dream, interpretation, Present moment, Solutions
Whenever you’re caught up in an interpersonal drama, you’re most likely drawing on a story about the past, or fearing something in the future. Since you can only be in your power when your attention is focused in the here and now, the story makes you less...
by Merci Gracia | May 19, 2013 | Intention, interpretation, Self-Awareness
The way you respond to others reveals more about you than it does about them. When you take offense to something, it’s actually your interpretation of what they said that causes your reaction. You can’t ever know exactly where they’re coming from or...