Reaction – Mis-reaction

Sometimes our reactions to life are designed to protect us from being taken advantage of or rescue us from imminent danger. Our responses are often based on misinterpretations. These missteps then beget reactions from others that create the very problems we mistakenly...

Source Code for Your Life

The quality of our thoughts create the quality of our lives. If we indulge in fearful, worrisome, judgmental or angry thoughts, our lives will reflect those qualities. It isn’t easy to change longstanding negative habits, but it’s the path to more peace of...

What We Want

The way we experience life is a result of how we frame the information we collect. We aren’t responsible for how we initially interpret what happens, that’s a product of our conditioning. However, we can reformulate, reassess and re-position almost...

Limited Perception

Our perception of reality seems so solid, logical and undebatable to us that it’s hard for us to believe that it’s actually subjective, limited and not universally agreed upon. A story: A man was driving on a winding, mountain road. Suddenly, another...

Cultivating Right Energy

Because we all have unique programming, we process our lives differently. That’s why two people can experience exactly the same circumstances but have completely different interpretations and feelings relating to comfort, safety and meaning. The way we spin it...

Responsibility Frees Us

We’re responsible for everything we feel. If someone’s behavior offends us or we think they’re uncaring, it’s important to remember that we are the ones holding that impression. We can’t know whether any perceived slights are intentional....