The Identity Card

Inflexible Identities Stunt Personal Growth Characterizing yourself as a specific someone can give meaning and a sense of purpose to your life, but don’t get fooled into thinking it’s who you really are. Trying to uphold and maintain an image can be...

Be Real

It’s liberating to be honest about who you really are. Trying to uphold a false identity just to look good drains your energy and disturbs your inner peace. The more you pretend, the more psychic bandwidth you use to keep the constructed story alive. Even if...

Defining Yourself

How you define yourself affects your whole life. When you’re self-critical and overly concerned about how others see you, peace and happiness elude you. The negative feelings you have about yourself weigh you down and muffle your joy. Rooting them out is like...

Inferiority-Superiority Complex

Feeling superior to others about your talents, possessions (or anything else) signals an actual feeling of inferiority. The two always go together. The way to grow beyond the eternally unsatisfying superior-inferior continuum is to fully accept yourself as-is. When...

The Art of Depersonalization Part 3

Realizing that others’ opinions of you have absolutely nothing to do with your personal worth or value as a human being frees you to be who you actually are. It enables you to experience far less internal resistance because you no longer have an inner conflict...

The Art of Depersonalization, Part 2

When you recognize that who you truly are doesn’t have to do with your accomplishments or your success, you aren’t nearly as worried about failing and you’re much more comfortable taking risks. Even if things don’t work out the way you want,...