Conditioning Controls Us

Our unconscious childhood conditioning often causes us to behave in ways that don’t serve us. If we were harshly judged or criticized by our parents, we’ll most likely do the same to others. If we felt neglected, we’ll probably find it difficult to...

Matters of Identity

Other people don’t cause our feelings. Our own level of self-awareness determines how we hear and respond to the outside world. The deeper we’ve investigated our conditioning, the less reactive we are and the more able we are to choose our responses....

Heal It Now

You don’t have to revisit your childhood to find the source of your pain and frustrations. That approach can add more story and energy to your discomfort. Life will continue to give you opportunities to heal by presenting you with circumstances that evoke the...

Feel It to Heal It

Sometimes the path to feeling better passes through rough spots that feel terrible. Ducking, dodging, denying or averting your attention can provide a temporary reprieve but, just like taking cough medicine for symptomatic relief, it doesn’t actually get rid of...

Corresponding Wounds

Consider this: Most problems in your relationships result from childhood wounds. Any tangle you’re in is no coincidence. It’s come up for you to heal it. You’re attracted to people whose issues fit together with yours like the pieces of a puzzle. The...

It’s Ok to Feel Bad

It’s unrealistic to think you should (or could) feel good all the time. Life inevitably presents situations that don’t please you. Since nothing is permanent (even the people and things you love), unexpected and unwanted change causes sadness. Don’t...