Tools for Greater Joy

In the same way the right tools make a carpenter’s work easier, you can use powerful techniques to expand your joy for life. Focusing on what’s going right instead of what’s wrong will make a huge difference in the way you feel and improve how you relate to...

Gratitude Power

When you feel grateful, not only does it make the radiance of your vibration delightful to be around, it attracts people, places and things that resonate with your energy. No matter what’s happening for you in a particular moment, it’s always possible to...

Hedonic Treadmill

Hedonic Treadmill is the observed tendency of humans to quickly return to a familiar set-point of happiness, regardless of major changes in their outer circumstances, both positive and negative. Another aspect of the definition includes the loss of interest...

Energy Sets the Stage

Whether positive or negative, your interactions with others and the circumstances you experience are a result of the energy you radiate. That’s why it’s so important to develop a regular practice of looking for all the things that you’re grateful...

Antidote to Suffering

Suffering is created by the way we construe the world and construct meaning. When we become conscious of how our thinking creates our feelings, we can choose to think differently. Some egos reject this idea because it threatens the identities that are created by...


Having an abundance of anything isn’t inherently good or bad. It’s what we do with it that matters. Whether it’s money, strength, health, power, energy or intelligence, it’s wise to recognize that, through an unimaginably complex combinations...