Distractions from the Present Moment

Our minds can distract us from being fully present and appreciating the moment we’re in. However, each second we worry or bemoan what is, we lose. We load our consciousness with dissatisfaction and miss the beauty, glory, grace and perfection that always...

The Gratitude Dividend

Acknowledging what we love elevates our energy. Taking a couple of minutes everyday to recognize the abundance we already have by writing down at least three things we feel grateful for is a powerful practice that soon mushrooms into a mindset. Adding new and...

The Art and Science of Gratitude

Focusing on gratitude is an easy way to feel good almost immediately. Placing our attention on what we’re grateful for isn’t designed to distract us from hardship or suffering. It’s like mental training that requires practice. Cognitive science...

The Power of Gratitude

Developing the practice of looking for what’s right has an unimaginably positive effect on our lives. When we relate to the world from our ego, we look for what’s wrong. We judge people, situations and things in order to further define our identity by...

Happy Thanksgiving

In the United States, the third Thursday in November is the official day to acknowledge and give thanks for all we have. Because 2020 has been such a challenging year, it’s all the more necessary to count our blessings. In spite of the heartbreaks and...

Elixir for Anxious Times

The collective consciousness is heavily dominated by fear, insecurity and anxiety these days. Compulsively tuning in to the news makes it difficult to maintain our equanimity. It’s more important than ever to keep our bodies and minds in balance. Regular...