Real Giving

Offering assistance to others is a noble endeavor whether it takes the form of time, energy, money or anything else. But if you’re doing it to get something back, it’s not really giving. It’s trading. When you place (often unspoken) expectations on...

Practice Kindness

Only when you’re kind to yourself, can you genuinely be kind to others. Treating yourself gently lightens your load and allows you to take even the most challenging situations in stride. It helps you to dance joyously through life with understanding. You...

Viral Kindness

Make a personal practice of allowing others to go first, holding doors open & smiling at strangers. It requires little effort and it’s a delightful boost to those scurrying about in this fast-paced world. Try to embody these qualities especially when...

Everyday Generosity

In the future, when someone makes an irritating error while driving, assume a generous attitude toward them. Since you can’t really know what’s going on for them, shrug it off while remembering that no one is perfect. This will feel a whole lot better to...

Consideration Pays

It’s always best to take others into consideration when your actions will impact them. Making unilateral decisions don’t end up making anyone happy. When you live your life with basic concern and kindness for others, it’s contagious and inevitably...

Grudges Lodge in Your Body

Every time you harbor unresolved feelings about any person, place or thing, it’s like packing a little extra weight on your shoulders. Carrying a heavier psychological load, is not only fatiguing, it’s unhealthy. Judgments are warehoused in your body and...