The Place to Look

The daily diet of images portraying beautiful people with ideal lives can keep us living with a constant feeling of lack, trying to be more, do more and have more. It can cause us to compulsively strive for perfection in every part of our existence. With this...

Aim For Fulfillment

Making personal fulfillment our overarching goal helps others as much as it helps us. We can only give what we already have. When our energy and happiness is scarce we have little to share. When we’re fulfilled, that abundance breeds a confidence and generosity...

Total Fulfillment

Imagine feeling fulfilled in all your relationships, your work and level of fitness, health and well-being. Imagine feeling empowered, having sufficient money to do what you want and loving every aspect of your life. There are two ways to find this kind of total...

No Need to Be Completed

The compulsion to compete, achieve, possess and be admired by others is founded upon a basic misunderstanding of fulfillment. It presumes that having satisfying experiences, material comforts and positive affirmation from others will make us happy. There’s...


True fulfillment has little to do with the outside world of people, places and things. It’s essential to satisfy our basic needs and obviously pleasurable to have what we want. However, once our survival is reasonably secure, how happy we are depends almost...