Catch and Release

In the course of a day, it’s normal to experience various little things that are not quite to your liking. Some days offer problems that are substantially aggravating. If you don’t do something to actively release yourself from the resentment generated by...

You Have to Learn It for Yourself

Do you ever think you should have acted differently than you did? Though you might think something should have gone better, it actually couldn’t have been any different than it was. While it’s normal to believe that an intellectual grasp of something is...

Happy Childhood

It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. Since the one you remember is filtered through layer upon layer of beliefs that make-up your adult mind, what you innocently experienced as a child is now seen through a very different lens. If you’re burdened...

Clean Your Psyche with Forgiveness

Every time you react with judgment, anger or disgust, a little residue is left on your psyche. When you condemn events in your life, you dim the brilliant luster of your natural state of being. One of the most powerfully freeing things you can possibly do is to let go...

Get Out of Jail with Forgiveness

When you feel you’ve been wronged, telling the story over and over only makes you feel worse. The more you relive it, the more you hurt yourself. Labeling someone else as wrong and yourself as a victim takes away your power and leaves you holding the weight of...

Forgiveness Is For You

Carrying around the weight of perceived wrongs only increases your burden. Your ‘persecutors’ might not even know how you feel. You can tell them or even stop spending time with them but, either way, forgiving them benefits you. It frees you from the...