What Are You Building?

Every thought you think has an impact on the quality of your life. You’re the architect and builder of your emotional abode. Thoughts of gratitude, goodwill and joy add bricks in a castle of contentment. Focusing on what’s wrong digs a hole that becomes an...

Trust in Life

Only a very small percentage of the things you feel anxious about will actually turn out to be as bad as you fear. Poorly trained minds grab hold of scary thoughts and join them together like cars on a long train. The cumulative weight of these worries creates a...

Most Limits Are Self-Imposed

If you’re really living, you’ve undoubtedly experienced repeated failure. You know that it takes focused effort to keep from feeling disheartened. But don’t let a lack of success affect your sense of self-worth. It’s crucial to maintain your...

Two Wolves

An old Cherokee Chief was teaching his grandson about life. “There’s a fight going on inside everyone, including you and me. It’s a terrible fight between two wolves. One is evil. He’s full of anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance,...

You Create Your Experience

You create your experience of life according to where you place your attention. Seeing the world as sad and dangerous and focusing on the existing evil doesn’t help to make things better. It actually exacerbates the problem. Signs don’t precede, they...

Boost Your Creativity

It’s a commonly held belief that pessimists are realistic and optimists are naive or even in denial. But, simple common sense clearly demonstrates the down-side of constantly looking for and discovering what’s wrong. Negativity drains your energy and takes...