Eliminate Should

When you ‘should’ on yourself or others, it only makes matters worse. If you want something to change, quickly acknowledge it as it is, turn your focus to what you want, then move on. Remember, you energize whatever you give your attention to. Only feed...

Sow And Reap

If you like what’s happening in your life now, you most likely have good mental habits. If you’re dissatisfied with anything, change your thinking about it. Visualize what you’d like and avoid energizing anything you don’t. Good input, good...

Enjoy the Journey

How many hours of practice for the big match? A Jillion. How many hours of toil to attain your goals? Countless. How long does the satisfaction of completion last? A blip! Turns out, life is mostly made up of getting there. Have a nice ride....

The Mirror Effect

On a beautiful day, your spirit lightens and there’s a bounce in your step. You may be surprised when people nod and smile with positive energy. Until you remember that they’re just mirrors. Nice reflection. Merci

Right Or Kind?

Next time you disagree with someone, ask yourself if you’d rather be right or kind. In the game of right and wrong, someone’s gotta be wrong. In the game of kind everyone wins. Seems kind of right. Merci