Pain Free

If you want to feel better immediately, let go of your judgments of others. Every grievance you hold is stored as blocked energy somewhere in your body. Resisting what’s happening in the moment is uncomfortable. But developing an even bigger story about how bad...

The Goal Behind the Goal

The underlying motivation behind everything you do is to feel good. Even seemingly selfless acts like helping your friends, volunteering for a non-profit or donating to a charity, are done because it feels good to be of assistance. Of course there’s nothing...

What You Think Matters

What matters more: what happens to you or how you interpret it? Your habitual thought loops create the way you feel about your life. Even though critical judgment is considered a sign of intelligence, it inevitably reduces your energy, clouds your outlook and bums...

Behavior Boomerangs

The energy you put out into the world always comes back to you like a boomerang. If you’re callous and insensitive about the people around you, you can be sure that, at some point, life will send that same energy back to you. Next time you experience behavior...