You Can Be Joyful Now

Life presents you with all kinds of trials and tribulations, but fortunately you’re not living life in monochrome. You’re capable of experincing the sorrow of an ending while simultaneously appreciating new beginnings. You only lose balance when you insist...

Unhappiness Affects Your Health

Besides the obvious unpleasantness, being unhappy is hard on your health. It creates a type of stress that upsets the biochemical balance of your body and diminishes your well-being. Your emotions contribute to an outlook that creates your life perspective. Optimism...

Steps to Healing

Emotional healing is a process that takes time. It’s important not to move too quickly through the first stage of acknowledging your feelings like anger, sadness, frustration, blame, shame and guilt, or ironically, you’ll slow your progress down. On the...

How Do You Feel?

Many people believe that a positive self-image is the result of how much you get done, how successful you are or how much positive feedback you get from others. While you may in fact have been socialized to feel good under those circumstances, the only real and...

The Way to Get Over Anything

Physical pain or psychological anguish can be overwhelming. It’s only natural to want quick relief. You might take a pill, keep busy to distract yourself or engage some other temporary coping strategy. But one of the great ironies of life is this: the only...

Relax and Enjoy Life

A measure of a life well lived is having no regrets at the moment of death. Interviews with those close to death reveal the top five consistently held regrets: 1) I wish I’d had the courage to live life being true to myself, not according to what others expected...