Living in Fear

Living in fear feels grim. When you think back on all the times you feared something that didn’t happen or actually benefited from things you feared that did happen, you might reconsider the usefulness of investing energy in that emotion at all. Excessive fear...

Taking Ourselves Out

Our stories about ourselves can prevent us from even trying new things. We employ a large variety of excuses ranging from difficulty to danger to conformity to avoid exploring new ways of thinking, being and acting that frighten us or threaten our identities. But most...

Protecting Our Identity

The fear instinct serves the purpose of guiding us away from danger or life threatening events. As we begin to develop an identity, we also begin to fear anything that endangers it. Most of us have a limited idea of who we really are, which keeps us playing small....

Imagine the Worst

Anxiety often results from a fear that something unwanted is about to happen. The unconscious mental repetition of undesirable, hypothetical scenarios makes you uneasy. As long as these fears aren’t clearly articulated, they can’t be faced and felt. The...

The Scariest Problems Ever

Worrying about things that might happen in the future is especially frightening because you can’t do anything about stuff that only exists in your head. Except, that is, to stop thinking about them. In contrast, problems that show up in the present moment are...

Anatomy of Fear

Fear is an extension of the survival instinct, but most of what we fear has nothing to do with survival. What we are really afraid of is losing a piece of our identity, in the form of our ideas or stuff. When these are threatened, we become anxious and stressed and...