Placebo Your Life

The placebo effect is a remarkable phenomenon that demonstrates the power of your thinking. Patients unknowingly take an inactive substance yet, because they have a strong expectation that what they’re taking will cure them, the condition improves. Apply the...

Trouble is Transient

You’ve already got the keys to the castle of happiness, you just have to remember to use them. One of the master keys is understanding that everything is always in a state of flux. Even the most unpleasant situation will eventually transform into something else....

Try Hard, Then Let Go

You can’t do better than your best. No matter how much you plan and strategize, outcomes are often out of your control. Worrying about results can take you down the rabbit hole of anxiety. Your effort alone justifies feeling good. Surrender....

Loosen the Knot

Think of something in your life that you have no control over and you’re unhappy about. Now, let go and accept it. Relax and allow it to be. Tying yourself up in knots doesn’t help. Remember, all things come to pass. Untangle. Merci