
When others complain to you about their situation or circumstance, remember that they may not be looking to you for a solution. They may just be wanting to vent. Your well intentioned attempt to offer a solution may actually result in more complaining, since all they...

To React or Respond

Even when something fits neatly into our idea of good or bad, it doesn’t mean it’s either. Sometimes the outcomes we fear most turn out to be our greatest blessings. That’s why having a huge reaction over a perceived bad often proves to be a waste of...

Intersection of Mind and Body

The way we respond to life affects our chemistry. The mind creates reactions in the body and then has new reactions to those reactions and the process continues on indefinitely. Emotions are excellent indicators of what’s happening in our minds and what needs to...

The Gift in the Grist

Do you ever blame others for how you feel? What if your feelings have nothing to do with the current situation, but instead are caused by old programming that no longer serves your well being? What if, instead of projecting blame outward, you just noticed the...

Martial Art for Relationships

Tai Chi Chuan is a martial art in which one’s power is found in yielding. When being pushed, a simple turn of the waist can topple the opponent. The same principle holds true for stubborn minds pushing against one another. The moment one releases their position...