Excuses Keep Us Stuck

When something in our life isn’t working, making excuses just keeps us stuck. Resisting feedback prevents us from adapting our approach and making progress. If we separate the information from our identity and use it to help us improve, just as a professional...

Old Wound Activation

Childhood emotional wounds play out in our relationships throughout our lives — until we become conscious and heal them. Sometimes our heads rationalize issues but our hearts still hurt. That hurt is often our inner child signaling that an old emotional wound...

Distracted by Drama?

If you often feel victimized by challenging situations or difficult people, take a moment to pause and ponder the possibility that you might be attracting them in order to distract yourself from your unexplored emotions. Some of our repressed feelings get projected...

Take the Power Back

Becoming angry often is usually the result of old emotional wounds being triggered. Though it feels so fresh and the person nearest seems to clearly be the offending person, it’s rarely the case. Blaming something outside for the way we feel when those wounds...

Opportunities for Healing

When our buttons get pushed, it’s because of the way we’re interpreting a situation. Our beliefs create our interpretations. If we didn’t have unhealed wounds, we wouldn’t get triggered. Our reactions show us what needs to be healed. If we...