Harmony Is Natural

Most of us are addicted to drama. Whether we’re unhappy with a family member, spouse, friend, co-worker, our health, wealth or current affairs, it can feel normal to always have someone or something that aggravates, irritates or causes us some kind of distress....

Our Constructed Self

Most of us are constantly working to build and maintain a constructed sense of self rather than just relaxing into the truth of who we are. Our ego creates this persona and tries to cultivate it by keeping our attention on ideas of separation, loss and fear. Believing...

Taking It Personally

Our perspective about what’s appropriate behavior comes from our conditioning. Someone else may see the same behavior in a different light. When another’s actions rubs us the wrong way, our reaction can create a problem where no offense was intended. Once...

Emotional Equilibrium

Emotional and psychological balance are essential requirements for a drama free life. Internal balance comes from skillfully responding to whatever shows up, rather than resisting or trying to control it. The way we frame our experience determines how we feel....


The more aligned we are with our essential self, the less inclined we are to engage in drama. When we understand the basic truth that everything moves in cycles, we aren’t thrown off balance by each swing of the pendulum to the other side. Even if the...

From Separation to Connection

Our egos try to convince us that we’re separate entities, living in a dog-eat-dog world. Living from this perspective keeps us in a state of fear. But, we aren’t separate. Like leaves on a tree, we’re animated by the same energetic force as...