Create a Vision of Harmony

Creating the life you desire requires developing the habit of feeling the joy you’re after, right now. Whenever you get a chance, fuel that image with your attention and turn it into a masterpiece of detail and energetic richness. Imagine that what you seek is...

The Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is a powerful creator. It takes information from your dominant thoughts, fears and desires and magnetizes people, places and things that match that energy. When you give prolonged attention to any vibration, you tune yourself to that station....

Life Decides When

It behooves us to remember that we only perceive a very small slice of reality. No matter how desperately we may desire something, life marches forward at its own pace. The more we try to make events bend to our will, the greater the struggle and more likely we are to...

Take a Hike

Sometimes the word ‘hike’ conveys the notion that a destination is hard to reach. Other times it describes an enjoyable recreational activity you pursue voluntarily. The same dichotomy is true of certain challenging passages in your life. Journeys may feel...

Being Proactive

Allowing other people to dictate what you do with your life is far less reliable than following your own inner guidance. Whether you’re making career, health or relationship decisions, no one else is in a better position to know what’s right for you than...