Awareness Meditation

Awareness can be enhanced by meditating while sitting, standing or lying down and simply focusing on the space in which all thoughts arise. When we close our eyes and notice the gap between the thoughts, we can actually experience the emptiness in which they occur,...

Change Your Focus

When something in your life bothers you, instead of building a story about how irritating or wrong it is, try to turn it around and ask yourself how the issue can serve you. It may show you where you need to set boundaries or make some changes. It might also just be a...

Looking for What’s Right

The habit of looking for what’s wrong and trying to fix it is fallacious. It’s based on the belief that the way to improve something is to root out what’s wrong and ameliorate it. However, what we give our attention to affects our energy. Focusing on...


Spending time in regret or resentment is not only a waste of energy, it’s destructive. What you focus on sends a message to your subconscious mind, which then sets out to create more circumstances that match the vibration of your thoughts. In contrast, when you...

Owning Your Power

The more you realize that you create your own experience of life, the less you’re held hostage to external circumstances. You don’t take anything personally because you know that everyone is deeply involved in their own story, which you can’t...