Love What You Do

The way to create the life you want is to do what feels right for you. In fact, it’s your mission. Begin by first finding anything-you-can-love about everything you’re doing right now. This puts you in the right frame of mind and correct energetic...

The Dance of Life

The programmed part of us harbors all kinds of opinions, fears, preferences and aversions. The deeper part of our being is already at peace. It loves and accepts everyone and everything. It delights in the dance and knows that everything is in constant flux. Each...

How We Respond Matters

We all have ups and downs, but it’s our interpretation and response to what happens that determines the way we experience it. The very same events can have drastically different impacts on different people, depending on their narrative. Because reality is a...

Gratitude Is the Balm

The more we imagine a joyous future, the more likely it is to be that way. Positively visualizing our aspirations activates our subconscious mind to begin the task of making our vision a reality. Ups and downs will always be a part of life, but it’s easier to...

Feed What You Want

Change is a constant. We can count on all things eventually fading out of our awareness. Talking about, complaining and stewing over what bothers us doesn’t ameliorate the situation. It feeds, empowers, extends its life and stokes the fires of personal...

Effort and Detachment

It’s common to think that detachment means we don’t care. Many of us believe that, if we let go of our worry and anxiety about the outcome of our endeavors, our motivation will flag and our performance will suffer. That concern comes from a superficial...