
Rather than communicate our feelings, it’s tempting to avoid confrontation and let things slide, especially when we anticipate defensiveness or hostility in response. However, allowing emotional baggage to buildup isn’t worth the temporary comfort of...

Dangers of Stuffing

Stuffing our emotions to avoid conflict ultimately results in bigger problems. No matter how uncomfortable it might feel to talk about our feelings now, it’s far easier than waiting until we’re on the verge of exploding. Emotions don’t disappear when...


Imagine how life would feel if we mostly noticed the good in others. What if we rarely criticized and instead, related to others with curiosity, understanding and compassion – even when their actions seemed unwise, unkind or hurtful? When differences in opinions...


Communicating can be tricky because others often don’t hear or interpret what we say in the spirit that we mean it. The simple game of Telephone perfectly illustrates the potential for this confusion. It’s important to make sure we understand what others...

Neutralizing Bad Behavior

No matter how rude or insensitive someone may appear, it’s rarely personal.They could be experiencing serious emotional pain and acting out. While we can’t know what’s prompting their behavior, it’s likely that it originates from some kind of...

Avoiding Defensiveness

If someone says something that offends you, remember you’re hearing them through your filter. They may not mean it the way you heard it. Instead of responding defensively, tell them how it sounded to you without accusing them. This gives them the opportunity to...