by Merci Gracia | Mar 11, 2011 | Acceptance, Attention, Change, Flow, Focus, Perception
When you ‘should’ on yourself or others, it only makes matters worse. If you want something to change, quickly acknowledge it as it is, turn your focus to what you want, then move on. Remember, you energize whatever you give your attention to. Only feed...
by Merci Gracia | Feb 28, 2011 | Attention, Change, Ease, Flow, Focus
If you like what’s happening in your life now, you most likely have good mental habits. If you’re dissatisfied with anything, change your thinking about it. Visualize what you’d like and avoid energizing anything you don’t. Good input, good...
by Merci Gracia | Feb 21, 2011 | Change, Focus, Perception
The past is merely fragmented memories woven into a story that changes according to how you tell it. You can alter the impact your past has on you by changing your story about it. Gratitude and forgiveness make all the difference. Weave it with love....
by Merci Gracia | Feb 12, 2011 | Change, Understanding
Everything in the Universe goes in cycles. If you stick to the same old routine and avoid challenges, you end up going in circles. If you step outside your comfort zone and expand your horizons, you spiral up… The evolutionary ladder....
by Merci Gracia | Feb 6, 2011 | Change, Trust
New inventions originate from minds that dare to venture beyond convention. If you have a dream that seems wild and crazy, remember people used to think the Earth was flat. Think outside the box and go for it. Merci
by Merci Gracia | Feb 1, 2011 | Change, Compassion
“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” Ralph Waldo Emerson. Try something new everyday. Sitting in a different chair can inspire a new point of view. Dropping a belief can foster a new attitude. Letting go of a judgment can bring more...