Acknowledge and Transform

When your reaction to something you see or hear angers, disgusts or even leaves you feeling slightly uncomfortable, immediately acknowledge the sensations in your body so your feelings don’t get repressed. Feelings that are actually felt are free to fly away....

Imprisoned By Your Positions?

To determine whether or not you’re unreasonably attached to your position, consider this: If you could see into the future and know for sure that the political candidate you are NOT voting for, would truly bring about the greatest good, would you change your...

Change Yourself First

Before you attempt to change the world, your friends, family or your mate, ask yourself if you’re sure you know what’s best. Since you’re seeing the world through the filter of your beliefs, you may not even be accurate. If you’re moved to do...

Adaptability Helps You Thrive

Successful scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs all possess a very important ability. Since they don’t always encounter what they expect, they need to be able to pivot. The most innovative ones are open enough to perceive new and unexpected information, alter...