The Biggest Limitation

Just because something hasn’t yet been done doesn’t mean it can’t or won’t be. Only a short-sighted mind would believe that the future won’t be filled with advancements far beyond what’s now considered possible; ones that are even...

Make Room For Magic

Even if you’re aware of every scientific discovery, technological innovation and cutting edge theory espoused by quantum physicists, there is still so much about the Universe that is not understood. Human knowledge is only just scratching the surface when it...

The Magic in Life

If you’re not seeing the magic in life, you may be caught up in unpleasant, fear-based stories created by your mind. When you stop giving those scenarios so much credence and start paying attention to what’s happening in this moment, without fear about the...

Imprisoned By Your Positions?

To determine whether or not you’re unreasonably attached to your position, consider this: If you could see into the future and know for sure that the political candidate you are NOT voting for, would truly bring about the greatest good, would you change your...

Your Brain’s Plasticity

The human brain is amazingly adaptive. An experiment from the early 1890’s demonstrated that brains of people wearing glasses making them see the world upside down, were able to adjust to seeing the world right-side up after just 3 days. If the mind is that...