Stress Can Be Dangerous

Stress creates a physical response that focuses the body’s resources on the adrenals in order to protect you from outside danger. Unfortunately, it also compromises your immune system and lessons your capacity to fight harmful vectors within. If you’re...

In and Out of Balance

Avoiding new things and playing small may feel safe and stable, but it can result in stagnation. You are hardwired to expand your understanding and evolve your consciousness. Even though stretching beyond your comfort zone can feel awkward and overwhelming, the...

Good and Bad

According to the Chinese theory of Yin and Yang, good and bad exist in everything. It’s the interplay of these opposite forces that creates the manifest world. How you see and feel about anything is determined by your vantage point. Understanding this is helpful...

Balance with Happiness

The exquisite beauty in the world is counter-balanced by an equal amount of its opposite. This play of polarities is what defines everything. When your perception is filtered through the lens of happiness, it’s easy to see both beauty and its opposite. But,...