Fresh and Free

Most of us are so caught up in our ego-driven stories that we forget who we really are. Our dichotomies of right/wrong and good/bad keep us locked in self-created delusions that can last a lifetime. As we become more conscious of the patterns of our thoughts and the...

The Only Permanent Possession

Everything in this world is impermanent — including us. The one thing that can help us navigate through the vicissitudes of life is a healthy mind. If we want an enjoyable and rewarding life, ensuring our mind is balanced and healthy ought to be our primary...

Don’t Borrow Problems

Problems are usually mental constructs. They are vehicles upon which we project our fears and suffer. We are highly skilled at creating a wide array of scary scenarios. Our bodies react to this stress as if there is clear and present danger. This detracts from our...

The Beauty in the Present

Imagine living one moment to the next, thinking only of the moment we are in. That wouldn’t preclude making plans for the future, but it would mean that we’d be present in the process of making those plans. We sometimes forget to appreciate the bounty all...

Never too Late

If your primary purpose is to learn, evolve and experience life fully, you’re never past your prime. You might no longer be able to climb Mount Everest but the wiser you become, the more you realize that the ultimate adventure in life is an internal one....

Honesty with Sensitivity

There are countless opportunities to practice diplomacy in our daily lives. For instance, if someone asks us to do something that doesn’t feel comfortable, we can honor our feelings and decline in a way that doesn’t leave them feeling rejected or scorned....