by Merci Gracia | Sep 19, 2011 | Acceptance, Attention, Compassion, Kindness, Perception, Relax
Do you have an ongoing critical narrative or find fault often? What you judge in others shows you what you don’t accept in yourself. The kinder you are to yourself, the more compassion you feel for everyone. The lovin’ starts within....
by Merci Gracia | Sep 18, 2011 | Acceptance, Appreciation, Attention, Grateful, Happiness, Peace, Present moment
Get in a good mood now. How? Accept what’s happening in this moment just as it is. Take a deep breath and think of something you’re grateful for. Feel it in your body and… Smile Merci
by Merci Gracia | Sep 17, 2011 | Acceptance, Attention, Compassion, Focus, Kindness, Love
Don’t try to control your friends, your family or your mate. Rather, work on controlling yourself. When you change the inside, the outside automatically changes. Looking glass. Merci
by Merci Gracia | Sep 14, 2011 | Attention, Compassion, Discernment, Kindness
Everyone is looking for love and approval. Behavior that disregards or offends is unconscious and not personal. You don’t have to like everyone you meet, but it’s easy to be forgiving when you remember that everybody is coping the best they can. If they...
by Merci Gracia | Sep 13, 2011 | Acceptance, Attention, Balance
Any kind of imbalance you experience in your life has only come to your attention for one reason: to help take you to the next level. Look at the cause of the situation, find out how your thoughts, words, or actions have brought you to this place and ask your inner...
by Merci Gracia | Sep 10, 2011 | Attention, Focus
Pay attention to how you feel. When you’re a bit down, it’s probably because of faulty thinking. Notice if you are repeating a negative perspective, criticizing yourself, or condemning others. Realize that this is destructive behavior. In the words of Bob...