Daily Practice A Master Makes

Improvement requires practice. Just like learning to play the piano, remembering to mindfully watch your thoughts requires regular effort to become masterful. Your thoughts of gratitude will be like beautiful music to your inner ears. And put a smile on your face and...

An Energy Boost

To sweeten your emotional life, take a look at your thought patterns. Inner complaining dampens your emotional environment and drains your energy. If you catch yourself complaining, note what you’ve found that you don’t like, then shift your attention to...

Fresh Look

Now is the perfect time to break out of old habits and embrace transformation. Attempting this in small ways will make you flexible, appreciate new possibilities, and develop new neural pathways in your brain. Brush your teeth or eat with the other hand, try a new...

Snowball Effect

Thinking thoughts of gratitude and appreciation throughout the day, spirals you emotionally upward. The more you focus on what you like, the more you see things to like. It’s a snowball effect in the best possible way. That’s how we roll!...