Stop Strategizing

Constant strategizing makes for a dull existence. It’s exhausting trying to control every aspect of life. It causes you to miss out on the magic that happens with spontaneity. When you accept what shows up, you invite serendipity into your experience. It’s...

Whining is Self-Defeating

Does it ever seem like the world is rigged against you? It’s not. Life ebbs and flows for everyone. Though difficult times might sometimes make you feel like complaining, it’s best to resist the temptation. Grumbling places you in the role of victim. It...

Judging and Grudging

The older we get the more we think our version of life is the truth. We classify large swaths of reality as bad, wrong, objectionable or even evil. This places a huge burden on us. This load of things that isn’t working becomes our constant companion, bogging us...

Don’t Fight, Go Deeper

Whatever you focus your attention on creates a relationship with it. It doesn’t matter what aspect of life, your approach determines the quality of your experience and influences the outcome. If you want to improve a relationship, your career or health, stop...

Relax Minor Objections

Minds that are free from excessive stress and fear are naturally at ease. But every additional judgment and resentment we carry makes it harder to be content. Each complaint adds to the list of things that we feel must change before we permit ourselves to enjoy life....

Getting Unstuck

Everything moves in cycles, even emotions. Sometimes you’re learning and growing, other times you feel you might be permanently stuck. Don’t worry, you’re not. Every state of mind is temporary. When caught in the doldrums, consciously remind yourself...