The Benefits of Adversity

It’s not what happens to us, but how we deal with it that makes the difference in our lives. If we crumble into a heap or go into victim mode, challenges don’t help us much. If instead we choose to inquire more deeply, we’ll become skilled at finding...

Raising Your Vibration

That thing you (think you) want that’s making you feel incomplete, isn’t something you actually want. If it was, you’d already have it. What’s causing the problem is the thought that you’re incomplete. Life appears to you differently depending...

Control Verses Trust

The need to control everything comes from fear. Wanting life to go the way we think it should and feeling distressed when it doesn’t, takes the enjoyment out of life. Surveying our surroundings and noticing how much of it we didn’t actually create, helps...

Now, Do Nothing

The wealthy have the luxury to comprehend it, the famous understand it and powerful people can confirm it — nothing you have or do will make you happy if you’re not okay inside. All the comfort, attention and goodies in the world can’t erase inner...

Jump Off That Train

When you find yourself engaged in inner complaining or in an imaginary (or real) argument with an ‘adversary’, stop it! Though it may feel like it’ll take you somewhere you want to go, it will only get you deeper into hostile territory. Any attempt...

Allow and Let Go

Knowing when to let go of what’s not working is an important life skill. It helps prevent us from blaming others (and ourselves) when we feel that our blossoming has stalled. Many times, just allowing the feeling of stuck-ness to exist without resistance loosens...