Boundaries and Plateaus

When limits and boundaries are placed on us, it feels bad. However, the grander the aspirations we have, the greater the resistance we will meet. It’s a natural law: the harder we push, the more opposing force we will encounter. This need not result in...

Opposition Summons Greatness

Without challenges, difficulties and even hardships we’d soften, stagnate and decay. Muscles need to be used to be strong, impact is healthy for bones and stretching ourselves makes us reach higher then we might otherwise. People who examine their lives will...

Exposed to the Light

Sexism, racism, narcissism, bigotry and demagoguery have long existed in societies everywhere. When these traits are exposed to the light of day it feels scary and uncomfortable, but it’s also the only time we can actually see and correct them. These attitudes...

Building Character

Life is sure to throw all kinds of trials our way. The question is how will we use the grist? If we’re cynical, obstacles just serve to confirm our negative outlook on life. If we’re open and willing, they can teach us how to thrive even in the midst of...