We Aren’t in Charge

A leaf doesn’t control what happens to it. Neither does the tree. It’s the life force behind both of these appearances that runs the show. Similarly, we don’t control what happens in our lives, only our experience of it. Thinking that others...

Right(eousness) Isn’t Right

Because we don’t know everything there is to know about life, it makes sense to exercise humility when thinking about what we think we know. Over time, science has repeatedly revealed errors in our previous understanding of what we considered the truth....

Conscious Evolution

Not only does expanding our understanding and awareness feel good, evolving our individual consciousness contributes to the evolution of the planet. The more we align ourselves harmoniously with what is, the more we help the whole of mankind unify and live in peace....


Change is constant. No matter how pleased we are with something, it will evolve or devolve into something else because nothing stays the same. The laws of the physical world dictate that any action creates an equal and opposite reaction. This is as true in the world...

It’s All Necessary

Life happens and our egos categorize, interpret and judge according to our programming. Our spin determines how we feel about it. Our judgments have a far greater impact on our experience than they do on what we’re judging. Whatever our feelings may be, Life...

Knowing Thyself

Humans look, think, speak and act differently. This variety makes life more challenging, but it makes it more interesting, too. It’s not the diversity that creates disharmony and conflict, but fear of difference, comparison and the insecure need to feel right or...