You’re The Gardener

Are you planting peace and joy? Every thought you cultivate is a seed sown in the garden of your life. Plant the seeds you want to see bloom. Just like the 5 second rule for food dropped on the floor, if you pluck the weeds quickly enough, they won’t have time...

Love Boomerang

Your mind has no boundaries. When you think loving thoughts about someone else they feel it, whether they’re aware of it or not. That phone call from the very person you were thinking of was not coincidence. The quality of your thoughts are felt and radiated...

Night At The Oscars

You’re the writer, producer, director, and actor of the movie called YOU. If you could just snap your fingers to make it happen, how would you change the script? Since you’re already playing all these roles, why not play them with intention? Now, write...

Count Your Blessings

If you touch your toes everyday you’ll always be able to touch your toes. If you count your blessings everyday, you’ll always have blessings to count. Touch count, touch count, touch…smile. Keeps you fit, improves your math, makes you smile....