Who we spend time with has a profound effect on our well-being. When we’re feeling accepted, respected and loved, we feel good. Being around those who criticize, judge or control us damages our self-esteem and drains our energy. When we judge them back, it’s bad for them and for us because, at a subconscious level, we feel our judgments are about ourselves. Since we all have an unconscious tendency to rise or fall into line with others’ expectations, the healthiest thing we can do is to spend time with people we admire and who…
Admire us.
I love the indication that when we judge others the impact actually lands on ourselves. My mother’s insightful expression: “when we sling mud, we lose ground”. I get it now.
I love your Mother’s expression, so concise. Once we become aware of it, it’s easy to see that the person expressing the criticism is revealing more about themselves than they are about the objects of their judgment.