It’s a common belief that it’s okay for us to try to control the lives of our loved ones. We think we know what they should do and get annoyed or angry when they don’t follow our advice! But, it’s actually bizarre to think that we know what will lead to a better life for others. Our opinions based on our personal experience is used to advise them. But the puzzle pieces of our lives don’t necessarily provide appropriate solutions for theirs. The only person who should be in charge of their lives is…
Jarl and Steve.
As a parent, I have a pattern of thinking that I am showing love for my adult children when I give them unsolicited advice. In fact, when I do that I am disrespecting them and creating distance in our relationship. My most important learning around this issue is that the best thing I can do for my children is to demonstrate what it means to live a mindful, authentic, healthy, and balanced life. Their feedback has proven this is effective.
So wise, Sarah! I know from experience that you are right! The best way to raise children is to be a model! Thank you for your comment!