It’s not unusual to think and talk about people one way when they’re around and another way when they’re not. But what if the words you utter and the thoughts you ponder about others are, in fact, transmitted to them, even if they aren’t consciously aware of it? What if your idle negativity impacts them, you and the relationship? A great way to find out is to stop thinking negative thoughts about someone you regularly harbor ill will toward and see what happens. Try it! You’ve nothing to lose and may very well gain…
A happier you.
Jarl and Steve
Just thought you are probably not aware of this, but should know that the “Rule of Thumb” refers to earlier times in history when a man was allowed to “discipline”/ hit his wife and children with a stick as long as it was no wider than his thumb.
Ha! That would be funny if it wasn’t so unfunny! We did not know that! Thank you. 🙂 It has another more widely used meaning that has to do with an inexact measurement, that was the meaning we were using!