Being a victim means you allow the actions of others to define you and make you suffer. But even blatant attacks aren’t personal. How can this be? Even when others intend to hurt you, they’re reacting to their own biased story about who they perceive you to be, not the truth of who you are. Though you’ll never be able to control the tapes others play that cause them to act as they do, how you respond to them determines your quality of life. Remembering that everything is a projection really helps to…
Set you free.
Jarl and Steve
1)I am aware of the unrealistic perceptions of others which may tend them to like me or dislike me
2)if they like me,its just that they are reacting to their story of me.if they dislike me,its again the same thing
3)I can’t change the way they play their tapes
4)but I can change my way of responding to them
5)I chose not to allow others actions to define me or make me suffer
6)I chose not to be a victim
7)I am the author of my life
Love n gratitude