The possibility of traveling to remote ends of the planet is a realistic proposition. You can climb the highest peaks, visit ancient temples, experience unchanged tropical rainforests and safari through the savannah. As entertaining as these journeys may be, none can compare with voyaging to the center of your being. That’s the only place you’ll ever go that can give you deep and lasting satisfaction, peace and joy. It requires only that you limit external distractions, quiet your mind and tune into yourself. The most marvelous journey you could ever take is available…
Right here and now.
Jarl and Steve
Awesome..the best journeys are travelled can I explore the unknown or may be unrealized terrains within me..?through meditation?..unless I establish my being as a life instead of a social animal how will I eliminate distractions..until then will I be continuously running behind some carrot or will I ever get out of this rat race..?I don’t know…