Being able to digest feedback from others without getting defensive is a valuable skill that helps you flow through life. No matter how judgmental or condemning someone’s behavior seems, it’s still just their projection. It’s based on their limited perspective and it’s never personal. When you can calmly evaluate the (ir)relevancy of their point and correct your course when necessary, you’ve mastered the art of transforming ego-diminishing experiences into ones that promote your…
Jarl and Steve
“It’s never personal” Can you elaborate on that?
John, Thanks for asking. Everyone sees through the filter of our own conditioning and belief system, so what we see is a self-fabricated reality. Your interpretation of events determines your experience. What you see is a mirror of what’s happening within you. So it’s never really about the other person. Even though you think what you see is the ‘truth’, it’s really just a reflection of your beliefs and the same goes for them looking at you.